Thursday, November 26, 2015


Happy Thanksgiving from your favorite Book Geeks!

How Jennifer feels nearly every year....

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

International Games Day

The 8th Annual International Games Day @ Your Library is approaching this month on Saturday, November 21st. This is a global event sponsored by the American Library Association, Nordic Game Day and the Australian Library and Information Association.

And it's free!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Digital Libraries (ebooks, audiobooks and more)

Do you still have an eBook Reader? Or are you thinking about getting one? Do you still load your MP3 player with audiobooks? (Does anyone still have an MP3 Player?)


Think instead of getting a tablet or using your smart phone for your digital library needs!

Did you know that you can use your tablet and/or phone as an eReader?
  •  a Kindle app for Amazon purchases
  • Audible for downloadable audiobook purchases
But you don't even have to BUY eContent! You can check it out!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Wedding Day!!

Well our Wedding Day is officially behind us.

And it went wonderfully!