Monday, June 27, 2016

Your History on Google

Google tracks and analyzes everything you do on it. It's nice if you like to look back and find that site that you stumbled upon but can't find now. But the more you see on your history the more apparent that online privacy is a unicorn that is impossible to catch. It's disturbing how much Google and Facebook and Yahoo! Know about you just from your searches. Think it's a coincidence that you see adds for Ann Arbor, Michigan just as you start planning a trip? It's not. Big Brother Internet is watching and selling advertising specifically toward your interests.

But there is a way to delete some of your trail with Google. 
After you are logged into your Google account, go to This will show your history as far back as when you created your account. 

You can see map searches, Google searches, Google drive entries, YouTube videos, and even blog entries. You can set a date range to delete from. 
Or just delete certain searches.
You can find specific searches an delete those you select.

For more about deleting your Google history, go to

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Summer is ticking away...

I love summer.
I love the fun programs I finally have the excuse to do.
I love the extra faces that I don't see during the school year.
I love the excitement over books.

But . . .

I do find myself counting down the days until it is over.

It is not for my lack of passion for summer programming. It is simply because I start to miss my sanity as time trails on.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Summer Decor

Our summer decor has finally been finished & I am super-excited.

This actually began as an idea for my teen space, but evolved over time as the need for a "less prizes" summer became my goal.

So these are now part of our children's area:

Start Menu and Task Bar stop working on Windows 10 FIXED!

Is your Windows 10 Computer giving you fits?
If your start menu and/or task bar have stopped working, it's frustrating just using your computer. You can't see your programs that you have minimized. You can't use the start menu to restart the computer. You can't see the clock. ARGH!
Before I found this fix, I had to create a new account and move files. OR if that didn't work, I had to reinstall windows completely.

Luckily, I found this fix today:

a.       On your keyboard there is a windows key (between CTRL and ALT) hit windows key + R. In the run box, type devmgmt.msc. This opens the device manager.
b.    Look for the category called Security Devices, click on the > next to it to expand the folder. You should see Microsoft’s TPM driver, called “Trusted Platform Module”, right click on it and select update.
c.  If the most current driver is installed--> right click on Trusted Platform Module and uninstall.
d. Restart computer.
e. The driver will reinstall itself and the start menu and task bar will be working again.