Monday, December 14, 2015

Windows 10...should I upgrade?

For just a few more months (until July 31, 2016), Microsoft is offering to upgrade your Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 computer to Windows 10 for free. But should you take them up on the offer?

As a IT Consultant that is constantly on the road fixing Windows computers at 54 public libraries, I know Windows OS. I know updates. I know reinstalls. I know building the thing back from a hard blue-screen-of-death crash. I like Windows 7. It runs well for Windows. It's stable.
I don't like Windows 8 or 8.1 and its made for touch screen setup. To me, Windows 8 in any version is just as bad as Windows Vista.

Windows 10 is better that Windows 8. It's almost as good as 10. So, if you have Windows 8.1, please upgrade to 10.
If you are happy with Windows 7, stay if you want. But know that you will eventually have to upgrade to 10, when your current computer bites the dust.

Things to know before you upgrade:
BACK UP ALL YOUR FILES! That means photos and documents and personal information. The upgrade should keep all your information, but I have had a couple upgrades "eat" files that I could not recover. It's just good practice to back up files when you are messing with an Operarting System (OS) anyway.

Windows 10 is set up to track you and your computer use!
But you can turn those setting off. After your computer has downloaded and initiated the upgrade, you are taken to a setup screen. From there you can turn off data sharing options.
Also, after 10 is installed, go to Start-->Setttings-->Privacy and turn off sharing there.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Teens in Winter

As the Holiday season approaches I like to get in the spirit for my teen department.

One way to celebrate-why with that holiday classic

That's right. Gremlins is a sure-fire hit for your teens.