1) The first thing you need to do, is to create a TechSoup member account for yourself!
What you will need is:
First and last name
Email address
Member name; shows up in online posts and comments
Sign up for weekly and monthly notifications from TechSoup
2) The next thing to do is to register your Organization:
To find out if your library is registered, go to:
Then search for your library. I suggest using only your library name, or zipcode. If you put in anything that doesn't match exactly, it will not give you any results. What you are looking for is an FSCS ID. Be aware! There were two entries for Great Bend, one said the FSCS ID was KS0052, the other that it was KS0052-002. KS0052-002 is the correct number!
3) Now, go back to TechSoup. Log-in with your personal information. Go to manage my account and click on "Register My Organization" Enter your library information. Here you want to be sure you select the last option, Non-501(c)(3) Public Library, unless you are SURE, your library has obtained a 501(c)(3) status documentation. This will make all the paperwork much easier. So, select that option, and enter your FSCS ID and click on "Find Your Organization."
If it finds your library, you are ready to go to the next section. If not, you need to enter your library information and get it registered. There will be a link at the bottom asking you to try again, or register your organization. Click on register.
You need to enter an association code that is at least 7 letters long. This will link you to your library so that you can request donations for it.
You will need to enter your library contact information, and your annual operating budget. Click continue when done.
4) Qualify and Request product donations.
Non 501(c)(3) Libraries do not need to document tax status, because it can be verified on the IMLS website.
TO request donations, you must be a member with an individual account. Your library must be registered and be "qualified" by TechSoup. You must be an authorized agent for your library, and it must be eligible to receive the products requested.
SO, the important thing is, make sure that you choose, Non-501(c)(3) Library from the list. It makes the paper work much easier!