Thursday, November 9, 2017

Teen Collection Development Resources

Curating your collection of teen materials does not have to be labor intensive, but it does require a bit of legwork.

While there are many resources that will work from any area of your collection,there are some YA specific sources that I find to be super-useful (in no particular order & I will continue to add to this list as more resources come to mind).

  • Fierce Reads: Macmillan Children's Publishing Group's site for the latest info.
  • Guys Read: Really hits on the Middle Grade fiction level of readers, but a great resource to get you an awesome list of authors you can pass off to your reluctant readers (and for the record girls enjoy these too)
  • Brightly: Penguin Random House's website full of tips, recommendations and so much more
  • Epic Reads: HarperCollins' website is super addictive and informative (and the quizzes are entertaining)
  • YA Books and More: A couple of Texas librarians share some awesome book lists. Definitely a site to bookmark
  • Goodreads: Generally speaking, this is just a great way get some read-alike suggestions and stay up to do date with the current popular titles
  • No Flying No Tights
  • YA Lit

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Cool Apps

Ever wonder what good apps are out there that are free? I hate paying for an app. I'm all about open source especially for public libraries.

So here are a few of my favorite apps. (And now Favorite Things from Sound of Music is in my head).

Cloud Storage
Need a file from your computer? Save it to Dropbox or Google Drive or iCloud (iOS only) and you can open it on your phone!
Digital Library
Love to listen to audiobooks on the road? Try Overdrive (OR it's new companion app Libby) OR RBDigital. Kansas residents have an  RBdigital account through the State Library. CKLS residents have an Overdrive account through their local library.

Love eBooks? Try Cloud Library, Freading or TotalBoox through the State Library of Kansas. Overdrive/Libby through CKLS has a large collection of eBooks too!

You no longer need a WiFi printer to print from your mobile device! You just need your printer wired to the network and find the App for your brand of printer. I have had good luck with Business Canon Print, HP Smart print, Ricoh Connector AND Samsung Mobile Print.

Automate Your Life
Have a document you need to sing and return? Use SignNow. You can open the file, fill out the PDF, sign it, and send it back--All from your phone or tablet!

Need lists and reminders? Try Wunderlist!

Want your profile photos on all your social media to sync, when you change one, they all change? Try Ifttt (If this, then that).

Scan/Photo Editing
Want to see what you look like Old or Young, Male or Female? Take a non-smiling photo and make you smile? Try FaceApp!

Snapseed is an excellent photo editor with filters and tools to improve your photos. Adobe Photoshop Touch is also an option. Lenka provides simple Black & White photos.

Password Keeper
Dashlane or LastPass are great options for securely storing all your passwords. Both will tell you the age and strength of you passwords and offer the option to copy passwords and paste them into login boxes.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Carvey--Better than a 3D Printer?

So I have gotten a new toy. A Carvey (by Inventables) machine! I'm excited because it cuts into plastic, wood, cardboard, pasteboard! To be honest, it's a digitally controlled router.

Set-up is pretty easy but I did have to do some troubleshooting. The carriage belt for the bit was loose, so my first carve looked like this.

Here is a timelapse video of my first carve. 

It stuttered in carving the D and the E! And my logo looks like I tried to carve it by hand.

So with some tightening and some talking with support I got this:
Carving is quicker that 3D Printing because it cuts down existing materials instead of building up from melted plastic.
Also non-techie people can relate better to a digital wood carving router than with a machine building up doo-dads from plastic.

I hope to use this make desk nameplates, nametags, and more. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Eclipse is Over!

No more drop-ins and phone calls from people looking for free eclipse glasses.

It sounds like the perfect time to celebrate!

Friday, July 28, 2017

T-Shirt Tote Bags

A program that teens seem to love (beyond all reason) is T-Shirt Tote Bags. Now I know why I love it: it is cheap, quick and simple.

What's not to love about a program that requires only shirts and scissors?

And with the diversity of shirts you can use, the end results can wind up being pretty unique.

We went to our local thrift shop and bought a couple of "Rag Bags" (aka a bag of shirts that sell mostly to people who use them to clean up in shops and such) for about $2. And that with our supply of fabric scissors (always make sure to properly label your scissors as "Fabric" so they don't get ruined by being used on something else) we have one very inexpensive program.

An alternative would be to have a BYOT (Bring Your Own T-Shirt) event and have them bring a shirt of their own to reinvent. [I will offer more suggestions for redoing shirts later that should make either a BYOT or an investment in starting a shirt stash very worthwhile.]

Friday, July 21, 2017

Sexting Doesn't Hurt Anyone, Right?

Sending your significant other a cute little nude photo. It's no big deal, right? It's private. It's just a little sexting.

24% of high school students and 33% of college students have been involved in sexting.

When their photos were shared, many teens became subject of online bullying. The harassment became so bad some victims have committed suicide.

Many don't see it as a big deal. Many don't realize how easily that very private photo can become so very public.

All it takes is 1 group text to spread the photo. Once someone else is in possession of your photo, you no longer control how they share that photo. "17% of sexters share the messages they receive with others, and 55% of those share them with more than one person."

And if you forward a nude or partially nude photo of an underage girl, you can be charged with child pornography.

So, talk to teens about the real dangers of sexting. Help them see how easily a photo can be shared and the ramifications of sharing that photo.

Dangers of Sexting:

Phycology Today:

Teen Sexting Statistics:

Friday, June 16, 2017

Can You Spot a Malicious Email?

Remember, as Junk Mail filters get better, so do spammers! Nefarious emailers are tricky and they are getting better at their malicious emails.
It's no longer good enough to just ignore the emails from Nigerian Princes, where your name is never in the email and the grammar and spelling are so poor you know it's not legit.
Now,  spammers have your name, use a brand name or store, have an official looking logo, or website, or email. It's been proof read and edited. It looks honest. BUT IT'S NOT!

So, How do you know? 

That's probably the wrong question. Rather, How do I protect myself?

Don't trust a hyperlink. Hover over the link and see what web address it is Really Taking you too. Not what the email says it's taking you to.

Don't trust an email address. Spammers can now clone emails or hide their real email they are using. Make sure to hover over, or click the arrow next to the email address to see who really sent the email.

And don't open attachments that you do not know what they are. Pay attention to the file extension. Never open a file with .zip or .exe.

Don't click on links.  Go to your online accounts by typing the web address into your browser.
And trust your gut. If you think something is off, don't open it.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Librarian Shower Thoughts

Profound thoughts seems to abound when I'm shampooing my hair in the shower.

  • Overdue and Overude are just a typo apart. Coincidence?
  • Why is the noisy teen kicked out, but the rude adult is not?
  • What is it about the full moon and all the most eccentric patrons coinciding?
  • Why do the people who think they know it all, actually know so little?
  • If patrons had to turn in their phones to check out a book, the library would never have overdues.
  • Cleaning out the junk patrons donate in books is like an archaeologist dig.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Copcake Day

Well, after years of wishing I have finally had my very first Copcake Day for teens. My long-term plans is that this will be an annual event and with the impressive turnout I think that is definitely a possibility (by far this was our largest attendance of the year).

And it was also by far our most delicious program.

Monday, May 8, 2017

BookGeek1 has been a bad blogger

Many apologies for not posting much over the past few months. I always have the best of intentions (as well as a schedule of topics I want to share), but sometimes things happen and time gets away from us.

On that note, Mr. BookGeek1 and I are excited to announce a new addition will be joining us later this year!

Morning sickness can take down even the strongest of us!

That being said, I'll try to get back on track with routine posting. And I have so many things to share!!!

But....YAY BABY!

This Summer's Headband

Typically I love making my summer headband out of felt (and I may still make one...I've been pondering a hammer), but I went slightly off-the-beaten-path this year.

Bear with me....

Our summer's theme being "Build a Better World" and I had this lying around, so.....

That's right. It is merely a traffic cone hot glued to a headband. Note: wider headband would probably offer much better stability.

Here is my lovely assistant demonstrating the sheer beauty of this magnificent sight.

If you are hesitant, just remember that kids love it when you look silly! So throw a cone on your head or make a caution tape tie/scarf (idea?!), but just make it goofy.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Privacy--Does it Exist Online?

The more convenient things get online, the less privacy you have.

If you link all your logins through Facebook, Facebook now has access to all of those accounts.
Recommend: Create separate unique logins for all of your online accounts.

The more quizzes, apps and games you play on Facebook, the more data is open to those companies.
Recommend: play games on their home websites (without logging in) and check your Facebook privacy settings.

Anyone can see your public Facebook profile. Post a photo from a party? Your boss can see that. People can connect to you through Friends of Friends.
Check your Facebook privacy settings so that only your friends can see your posts, photos or accounts.

Every photo you post is online forever. So don't post what you don't want the world, or your sweet granny to see. It will get out.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Leprechaun Snot

Yes, that's right. Leprechaun Snot.

With a program title like this one you can bet on a decent turnout. Because really what teen doesn't want to make a nice big bag of snot.

So when it became clear that slime programs were a surefire hit I started to brainstorm some future options for teens. Hence, Leprechaun Snot for March.

And doesn't it look delightful.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Why we weed:Outdated Technology Fiction

Scooter Computer & Mr. Chips: The Computer in the Candy Store
By Leslie McGuire, Illustrated by John Costanza
Western Publishing Company, Inc. c. 1984

There is a difference between science fiction and outdated technology fiction. Had this book been science fiction adult fiction book, I would have kept it. However, with a children's book the technology needs to be relatable to kids. And a desktop computer on wheels with green text on a black screen will not resonate.

Plus this is in reference to an ABC kids show, which I don't even remember but I did find on YouTube.

Friday, February 24, 2017

No-Sew Heart Pillows

Having purchased a large amount of felt for scarves I knew that I wanted to use it for a 2nd program if possible. Enter No-Sew Heart Pillows.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I'm not the best at sewing...

I am not "great" at sewing.

Not bad, just not great.

And as hilarious as it is to watch teens attempt to thread a needle (so hilarious!), sometimes it is nice not to torment them.

So here are our scarves:

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

DIY Stickers

This is one of my core programs. It's always in my back pocket as a possibility when I can't think of what else to do. Here's why: it's cheap, it's fun, it's easy and it's a crowd-pleaser.


Friday, February 3, 2017

Printers...the bane of my existence

Printers. Blerg.  I just really hate printers.
The paper jams. The print jobs stall. They disconnect from the computers.

And wireless printers are even more temperamental. Because wireless connections are always dropping or slowing down. The more people who join the network, the slower the WiFi and wireless printers are also going down.

So, I now have a Printer Troubleshooting 101 guide.
You're welcome.

·   Is the printer on?
·   Is the printer online?
1.    Go to Control Panel--> Devices and Printers
a)  If your printer is online it has a full color icon.  If printer is offline it is greyed out.
2.    If Offline--> Check cables (Internet cable and/or USB cable)
3.    Turn Printer Off and On Again
4.    Check the Print Queue
a) Go to Start--> Devices and Printers
b) Right Click on your printer-->See What’s Printing
c)  Select file waiting to printer-->Document-->Cancel
d)  Go to Printer-->Open as Administrator-->Cancel All Documents.
5.    Reconnect the printer
a)  Go to Start-->Devices and Printers
b)  Highlight printer--> Click Remove Printer
c)  Add a Printer-->Add a Network, Wireless or Bluetooth Printer
d)  Find your printer (pick one with only theIP address on the right column—
e)  Print a Test Page
·      Ask your friendly Techie if problem persists.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Why paint when you can play with dye?

I am kind of falling in love with FolkArt Ultra Dye Paints. They are so versatile and vibrant and I can't wait to implement them into some of my future programs. It works on wood, baskets and even burlap, so the possibilities are endless for your library

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Bucket List

Do you have a personal bucket list? That lovely list of things to do and places to visit before you die...

Now, do you have a professional bucket list? A list of things to do and dream programs to offer before you retire...

Monday, January 16, 2017

Fortifying your Defenses: Computer Maintenance

It's boring. It's repetitive. It saves you time and heartache.

Well, maybe not heartache, but it does save you strife and taking a sledge hammer to your computers.


Regular monthly updates, scans and maintenance will keep your computers running quickly and efficiently.

Windows updates are important. Windows OS are the most widely used computers so they are most prone to hackers. The updates fix security threats and keep your computer strong. If an update doesn't go through the first time. Don't panic. Try again next time. If no updates go through for month, contact your IT support.

Please, please, please have an anti-virus. Avast!, Kaspersky, BitDefender are all good ones. Here is PC magazine's pick for top 2017 Anti-Viruses.
Your anti-virus will run scans on a schedule. When running updates its a good idea to update your anti-virus and scan your computer at this time as well.

Malware protections
I use SuperAntiSpyware, Spybot Search & Destroy and Malwarebytes.
Here are some others both free and paid-for versions.

Clean up your browsers. Remove the browser history, the saved passwords, the autofill data. I like to use CCleaner. It cleans out temporary folders from downloads, Caches, history and it can clean up my registry files too.

Run updates on Adobe Flashplayer and Java. Your browsers will be happy. They are always prompting for updates. Note: Java is going away. Chrome has already stopped supporting it. But since Chrome is a RAM hog, you may use other browsers. They still want Java. And I don't mean the coffee.

Do these simple tasks once a month and your computer will thank you for it!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Tech Trends for 2017

A new year is here. We may not yet have the technology depicted in Back to the Future, but we do have:

Virtual Reality: Samsung Gear VR

Animal Inspired Robots:

Artificial Intelligence--we are almost there.

But the big tech trend is really scary:
CyberSecurity--hackers are getting better and security programs and companies cannot keep up.
This is a recurring trend. In the beginning of music sharing/downloading in the 90s at the beginning of the Internet in our homes, our laws were behind the technology--Remember Napster? When society caught up, Napster was shut down. Now it is back and legally sharing music.
Hacks of financial institutions and big companies' consumer personal records has been growing in frequency the last few years. It finally forced the U.S. to move to chips in credit cards instead of the magnetic strip. Europe had made that change long before.
So, while this vulnerability of our files and online finances is scary and a real vulnerability, it will in turn help us develop stronger security and systems. I'm not condoning hacking. It just forces companies, systems and software to improve their product. That is the silver lining in this storm cloud.

For more on Tech Trends:         

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Rewarding Teens for the Win!

With the New Year I'm bringing out some new ideas to revitalize my youth programs.

The first one I would like to share is my new Teen Scene Rewards Program.