Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Carvey--Better than a 3D Printer?

So I have gotten a new toy. A Carvey (by Inventables) machine! I'm excited because it cuts into plastic, wood, cardboard, pasteboard! To be honest, it's a digitally controlled router.

Set-up is pretty easy but I did have to do some troubleshooting. The carriage belt for the bit was loose, so my first carve looked like this.

Here is a timelapse video of my first carve. 

It stuttered in carving the D and the E! And my logo looks like I tried to carve it by hand.

So with some tightening and some talking with support I got this:
Carving is quicker that 3D Printing because it cuts down existing materials instead of building up from melted plastic.
Also non-techie people can relate better to a digital wood carving router than with a machine building up doo-dads from plastic.

I hope to use this make desk nameplates, nametags, and more. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Eclipse is Over!

No more drop-ins and phone calls from people looking for free eclipse glasses.

It sounds like the perfect time to celebrate!