Friday, January 26, 2018

Why We Weed: BioHazard (Viewer discretion is advised)

Disclaimer: Not for the weak of stomach.

I do not have a photo of this. I will not apologize. It was too gross.
The other day I was working at a School Library, helping to add items to our consortia catalog, when I came across a very disgusting thing.
Nancy Drew (not the disgusting part)
The Mystery of the Ivory Charm (still not the disgusting part)
--with a mysterious pinkish stain (getting warmer)
--that had chunks in it (HOT!)
--and a very distinctive smell. (TOO FAR!)

That's right. A book shelved among all the others, was covered in dried, pink vomit. 
And I touched it! 

That went in a plastic bag and in the trash. Some things cannot be saved.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

FrankenToys, Part 2

 When you run a program every year you can always learn something new. FrankenToys (I've just done it for the 6th year in a row-I think) is no exception.

One year I learned to have them dismember the plushes full of beans over the trash can (that was a mess).

Another year I learned that yarn can make for some awesome oversized stitches for a truly Frankenstein-esque creation.

Last October it was all about the fluff.

For more on FrankenToys: click here to visit our earlier post.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

We're Back

It's probably no coincidence that September 14th was our last post. It was a big day for both of us-the BookGeek1 family welcomed our newest little BookGeekBaby.

That's right, we now have a little girl that we can raise with a healthy love of literature and libraries.

We are loving our Mom and Daughter matching panda socks.
From BookGeek2:
My apologies as well. While my changes are not as dramatic or life altering as becoming a parent, I have had some changes as well. I am growing into a new position at work as a Continuing Education and General Consultant. That means my posts are going to shift to a broader library spectrum than just IT.
Plus I gotta spoil BookGeekBaby. It's my job as honorary aunt!