Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Movie License

Movie are the ultimate in easy library programs, but you do have to get a Movie License in order to screen most of them. I, professionally, have found it very worth it.

Typically, you will find yourselves exploring these two options: Movie Licensing USA (SWANK) and Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC).

What you need to know:
The cost will vary from library to library. It is based on your community size. Both sites have options to request a quote and both are very easy to do so.

Customer Service
  • SWANK-Excellent. Every time I have had a question/concern I get a prompt response.
  • MPLC-I have not worked with MPLC for as long, so I have not had the need for it yet. But the person I worked with to get started was super helpful.

  • SWANK-Wonderful. So easy to navigate. They even have themed lists if you are looking for a certain topic. Here is a copy of there genre codes to help with searching. Individual movies and TV shows have a brief synopsis, ratings, runtimes, cast lists and occasionally trailers. It is easy to navigate through their list of new releases and coming soon titles as well. But you do need to be wary that the title you see is not listed as a Single Event License. These are NOT covered by your license and you will have to pay an extra fee to screen them.
  • MPLC-This is nearly as user-friendly. There is no search function which makes things just so much easier.
  • SWANK-SWANK will get you most of your big ones: Disney, Sony, WB, Amazon, Lionsgate, MGM, Paramount, etc.
  • MPLC-This is going to get you Fox and Nickelodean. It also has a ton of other studios and producers. The PDF of those covered is 21 pages long.
Honestly, whichever way you go you will probably be quite please. But just remember you must have a license.

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