Friday, July 28, 2017

T-Shirt Tote Bags

A program that teens seem to love (beyond all reason) is T-Shirt Tote Bags. Now I know why I love it: it is cheap, quick and simple.

What's not to love about a program that requires only shirts and scissors?

And with the diversity of shirts you can use, the end results can wind up being pretty unique.

We went to our local thrift shop and bought a couple of "Rag Bags" (aka a bag of shirts that sell mostly to people who use them to clean up in shops and such) for about $2. And that with our supply of fabric scissors (always make sure to properly label your scissors as "Fabric" so they don't get ruined by being used on something else) we have one very inexpensive program.

An alternative would be to have a BYOT (Bring Your Own T-Shirt) event and have them bring a shirt of their own to reinvent. [I will offer more suggestions for redoing shirts later that should make either a BYOT or an investment in starting a shirt stash very worthwhile.]

From there the steps are simple:

Step 1:
Remove arms.

Step 2:
Cut out neckline. This will make the opening pocket so they can go as big or little as they please. They can even play around with shapes.

Step 3:
Cut tassels so that they will tie together. Remind them that is best to go through both layers of shirt to make the cuts so they will all line up. The end pieces will need to be cut along the side seams as well, so you can tie the front and back together.

Step 4:
Decide if you want the fringe on the outside or inside of the bag. If you want it hidden in the bag you need to flip it inside out before you begin tying.

Step 5:
Start at one end and slowly make your way across.

Step 6:
(Turn right side out if you need to.) Your bag is complete.

Side Note: In my Rag Bag we had one random pair of pants. I was super-excited to try something new, so:

Now I have one totally unique produce bag & the teens thought it was hilarious.

So don't forget about other articles of clothing as bags (kids shirts are very colorful and make adorable mini-totes).

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