Saturday, May 19, 2018

Rock On: 1960s

Oh the '60s-what fun! The hair, the clothes, the dancing....

There was very little question that our movie for this week would be Hairspray but there was some discussion on original or remake. I settled on remake [and it turned out to be hilarious watching the teens see this for the first time. They loved it!]

Our Tuesday will continue with the popular and beloved fashion trend of Tie Dye. We are getting some of the large kits and loads of extra gloves. Our plan is to have multiple tables covered with rubber bands so they can sit and chat and prep their shirts, bandanas, etc. and to have one dye table. Our dye table will have 4-5 bins on it so we can have that many teens dying at one time. Bags will be prepared with at home instructions for rinsing (as it does need to set on there for a while).

Tie Dye kits
Rubber Bands
Drop cloth, table cloth or newspapers
Bins or trays to dye cloth over
Paper Towels
*We gave them the option that they could bring their own shirt to dye or we would provide them with a bandana. One even brought her own socks to dye. If we were to provide shirts we would have had to shut down registration at least a full week earlier just to get supplies (it also would have been much more expensive). We did not have any complaints from teens on having to provide their own shirts.

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