Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I'm not the best at sewing...

I am not "great" at sewing.

Not bad, just not great.

And as hilarious as it is to watch teens attempt to thread a needle (so hilarious!), sometimes it is nice not to torment them.

So here are our scarves:

This is a super-simple craft and if you prep ahead of time won't take long for your teens to create.

Here's what you need:

  • Fleece (anti-pill)
  • Scissors
  • Something round (we used a bowl)
Fold your fleece to the width of your circle and your bowl on the fold.
Your goal is to have an uncut fold portion about 1 1/2-2" long (it should connect like a butterfly). 

Keep your pieces folded together and cut a slit through both circles about 1/2" from the edge. It does make it seem quicker if you cut the slits in all of the circles you will use before you begin assembly.

Then you simply begin threading the pieces together. Take an unfolded piece and thread through both holes of a folded piece. Repeat until your scarf is as long as you wish.

To finish off your scarf you can make tassels or just leave tie up your one open end. I leave this part completely optional for teens because they often have very specific preferences.

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